Topic 7 - Dose Limits
Radiation Protection |
Review of Basic Concepts
- Absorbed dose
- Physical quantity
- D = dε/dm
- dε is the mean energy imparted by ionizing radiation in
mass m
- erg/g or J/kg
- Dose equivalent (H)
- Considers biological effectiveness of radiation
- H = DQ or DWR
Radiation Weighting Factors (Q, WR)
- ICRP 1979
- Alpha particles assigned value of 20
- Beta particles (negatron/positron), 1
- Gamma rays, 1
- X-rays, 1
- Other values…neutrons etc
- ICRP (later)
- Some changes in neutrons, other radiations
Calculating Internal Dose
- Arbitrarily shaped container
- Distributed activity
- Calculate energy absorbed per unit mass
- Consider:
- Energy per decay
- Total activity
- Mass of container (think: organ)
- Fraction of energy emitted absorbed in container (called “target”)
- “absorbed fraction”
- φ
- (Energy absorbed by target)/(energy emitted by source)
Absorbed fraction, φ
- Consider
- Photons (“penetrating radiation”)
- Fraction absorbed in target
- Fraction escapes
- Betas (“non-penetrating radiation”)
- All energy absorbed in target
- (exception- extremely small targets)
- Alphas (non-penetrating)
- All energy absorbed in target
- (exception - even smaller target than for betas)
Generic Equation for Calculating Absorbed Dose Rate
- D = absorbed dose rate, rad/h or Gy/s
- A = activity, μCi or MBq
- ni = # of radiations of energy E emitted per transformation
- E = energy per radiation (MeV/dis)
- Φ = absorbed fraction
- m = mass of target
- K = proportionality constant
- (rad-g/ μCi-hr-MeV or Gy-kg/MBq-s-MeV
Generic Equation for Calculating Total Absorbed Dose
- D = absorbed dose rad or Gy
- Ã = cumulative activity, μCi-hr or MBq-s
Cumulative Activity, Ã
- Ã: integrated area under time-activity curve
- Units typically
Evaluating Multiple Contaminated Objects
- Contaminated object irradiates
- How is dose calculated?
Calculating Total Dose
- Relationships to consider
- Object irradiating itself: φ(1¬1)
- Object being irradiated by others:
- Source (S) and Target (T)
- φ(1¬2)
- φ(1¬3)
- Repeated for multiple targets and sources
- φ(2¬1), φ(2¬2), φ(3¬1), φ(3¬2),..etc
Target/Source Configurations
Calculating Total Dose
- Generic equation
- Expressed in many ways (see Cember, pp 201- )
- Parameters grouped
- Computers used to evaluate
Calculating Total Dose - ICRP 2
Calculating Total Dose - ICRP 30
- Cumulative dose equivalent
ICRP 2 vs ICRP 30
- ICRP 30
- Organ weighting factors used to derive effective dose eqiuvalent
- ICRP 2
- Individual organ doses calculated
- Organs assumed to be spheres
- No irradiation of other organs
MIRD System
- Medical Internal Radiation Dose
- Simple equation (lots of lumped parameters)
- See Cember, pps 201 - …
Other Considerations
- Kinetic Models
- Biological
- GI Tract
- Lung
- Intake (back-calculating intake from measured data)
- Ã
- US
- λeffective
Determination of CDE
Total Disintegrations, Total Dose
ICRP : Determination of the Committed Dose Equivalent, HT,50
- Total dose equivalent averaged throughout any tissue over
the 50 y after an intake is the CDE:
- M = mass of specified organ or tissue
- i = radiation type
- D50,i = total absorbed dose during a period 50 y after
intake of the radionuclide in the element dm of the specified organ
or tissue
- Qi = quality factor
- Ni = product of other modifying factors (dose rate,
fractionation, etc.)
- Qi is a function of collision stopping power; varies along
track of ionizing particle and may be different for each element mass.
However, due to other uncertainties constant values are given for each
radiation type (and energy).
- ICRP recommends N = 1.
- Now called (ICRP 60) wR radiation weighting factor.
- Using constant Qi values:
- Where
- Total absorbed dose during 50 y after intake averaged throughout
the specified organ or tissue for each radiation type
- ICRP 30 makes estimates of HT,50 in a number of target
organs from the activity in a given source organ
Dose Calculations, cont’d
- For each radiation type, i, the HT,50,i in a target organ,
T, resulting from a radionuclide j in a source organ S, is the product
of two factors:
- The total number of transformations of nuclide j in S over a
period of 50 y after intake (Us).
- The energy absorbed per gram in T, modified by Q from radiation
of type i per transformation of radionuclide j in S.
- This is known as the Specific Effective Energy
- (MeV g-1 per transformation)
- (SEE(T ¬ S)i).
Target/Source Calculations
- For each radiation of type i from radionuclide j
- And:
- Where
- Us is the number of transformations of j in S over
the 50 years following intake of the radionuclide
- 1.6 x 10-13 is the number of joules in 1 MeV
- SEE (T¬S)i (in MeV g-1 per transformation)
is the specific effective energy for radiation typ I, suitably modified
by quality factor, absorbed in T from each transformation in S
- 103 is the conversion factor from g-1 to
For all radiations by nuclide j
For progeny
Mixtures of Radionuclides
- In cases with parent and progeny the organ dose is:
Multiple Sources
- Target T may be irradiated by radiations arising in multiple sources
(S). The total value of H50 is then given by:
Specific Effective Energy (SEE)
- SEE (T¬S) = S SEE (T¬S)i
- For any radionuclide j, SEE (T¬S)j for target T and source
S is given by:
- Yi is the yield of radiations of type i per transformation
of radionuclide j
- Ei (in MeV) is the average or unique energy of radiation
i as appropriate
- AF(T ¬S)i is the fraction of energy absorbed in T per
emission of i in S
- Alphas and electrons are completely absorbed in S
- Exceptions are mineral bone and GI
- Photon absorptions are given in ICRP 23
- Qi is the quality factor appropriate to the radiation
- MT is the mass of the target organs
More stuff
Table 4.1 Masses of organs and tissues of Reference
Man used in this Report |
Source organs |
Mass (g) |
Target organs |
Mass (g) |
Ovaries |
11 |
Ovaries |
11 |
Testes |
35 |
Testes |
35 |
Muscle |
28,000 |
Muscle |
28,000 |
Red marrow |
1,500 |
Red marrow |
1,500 |
Lungs |
1,000 |
Lungs |
1,000 |
Thyroid |
20 |
Thyroid |
20 |
ST content |
250 |
Bone surface |
120 |
SI content |
400 |
ST wall |
150 |
ULI content |
220 |
SI wall |
640 |
LLI content |
135 |
ULI wall |
210 |
Kidneys |
310 |
LLI wall |
160 |
Liver |
1,800 |
Kidneys |
310 |
Pancreas |
100 |
Liver |
1,800 |
Cortical bone |
4,000 |
Pancreas |
100 |
Trabecular bone |
1,000 |
Skin |
2,600 |
Skin |
2,600 |
Spleen |
180 |
Spleen |
180 |
Thymus |
20 |
Adrenals |
14 |
Uterus |
80 |
Bladder content |
200 |
Adrenals |
14 |
Total body |
70,000 |
Bladder wall |
45 |
SEE Examples (ICRP)
Specific effictive energy (MeV per gram per transformation)
of SB-90 Sources |
Targets |
Lungs |
ULI Content |
LLI Content |
Cortical Bone |
Trabecular Bone |
Red Marrow |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
4.6E-05 |
Lungs |
2.0E-04 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
Bone Surface |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
2.4E-05 |
4.1E-05 |
ULI Wall |
0.0 |
4.4E-04 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
LLI Wall |
0.0 |
0.0 |
7.2E-04 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
Specific effictive energy (MeV per gram per transformation)
of Y-90 Sources |
Targets |
Lungs |
ULI Content |
LLI Content |
Cortical Bone |
Trabecular Bone |
Red Marrow |
2.4E-12 |
3.5E-12 |
1.6E-11 |
1.5E-10 |
2.2E-04 |
Lungs |
9.3E-04 |
4.3E-18 |
1.5E-19 |
7.2E-13 |
7.2E-13 |
Bone Surface |
2.2E-12 |
8.3E-13 |
3.9E-12 |
1.2E-04 |
1.9E-04 |
ULI Wall |
1.7E-17 |
2.1E-03 |
4.1E-11 |
6.5E-13 |
6.5E-13 |
LLI Wall |
4.1E-19 |
9.1E-12 |
3.5E-03 |
2.0E-12 |
2.0E-12 |
Kinetic Models for Organs
Fig. 4.1 Mathematical model usually used to describe the kinetics of
radionuclides in the body: exception to this model are noted in the metabolic
data for individual elements.
Respiratory Model
Limits for Intakes of Radionuclides by Workers |
Class |
D |
W |
Y |
Region |
Compartment |
T day |
F |
T day |
F |
T day |
F |
(DN-P = 0.30) |
a |
0.01 |
0.5 |
0.01 |
0.1 |
0.01 |
0.01 |
b |
0.01 |
0.5 |
0.40 |
0.9 |
0.40 |
0.99 |
(DT-B = 0.08) |
c |
0.01 |
0.95 |
0.01 |
0.5 |
0.01 |
0.01 |
d |
0.2 |
0.05 |
0.2 |
0.5 |
0.2 |
0.99 |
(DP = 0.25) |
e |
0.5 |
0.8 |
50 |
0.15 |
500 |
0.05 |
f |
n.a. |
n.a. |
1.0 |
0.4 |
1.0 |
0.4 |
g |
n.a. |
n.a. |
50 |
0.4 |
500 |
0.4 |
h |
0.5 |
0.2 |
50 |
0.05 |
500 |
0.15 |
L |
i |
0.5 |
1.0 |
50 |
1.0 |
1000 |
0.9 |
j |
n.a. |
n.a. |
n.a. |
n.a. |
infinity |
0.1 |
Fig. 5.2. Mathematical model used to describe clearance from the respiratory
system. The values for the removal half-times, Ta-1 and compartmental
fractions, Fa-1 are given in the tabular portion of the figure
for each of the three cleasses of retained materials. The values given
for DN-P, DT-B and DP (left column) are
the regional depositions for an aerosol with an AMAD of 1 μm. The
schematic drawing identifies the various clearance pathways from compartments
a-i in the four respiratory regions, N-P, T-B, P and L.
n.a. = not applicable.
Fig. 5.1. Deposition of dust in the respiratory system. The percentage
of activity or mass of an aerosol which is deposited in the N-P, T-B and
P regions is given in relation to the Activity Median Aerodynamic Diameter
(AMAD) of the aerosol distribution. The model is intended for use with
aerosol distributions with AMADs between 0.2 an 10 μm and with geometric
standard deviations of less than 4.5. Provisional estimates of deposition
further extending the size range are given by the dashed lines. For an
unusual distribution with an AMAD of greater than 20 μm, complete
deposition in N-P can be assumed. The model does not apply to aerosols
with of greater than 20 μm, complete deposition in N-P can be assumed.
The model does not apply to aerosols with AMADs of less than 0.1 μm.
Particle Size Correction
Where DN-P, etc are the deposition probabilities
in the respiratory region for a given AMAD
Stomach Model
Section of GI tract |
Mass of walls* (g) |
Mass of contents* (g) |
Mean residence time (day) |
day-1 |
Stomach (ST) |
150 |
250 |
1/24 |
24 |
Small Intestine (SI) |
640 |
400 |
4/24 |
6 |
Upper Large Intestine (ULI) |
210 |
220 |
13/24 |
1.8 |
Lower Large Intestine (LLI) |
160 |
135 |
24/24 |
1 |
* From ICRP Publication 23 (1975)
Fig. 6.1. Mathematical model used to describe the kinetics of radionuclides
in the gastrointestinal tract |
Quick Methods
87MSr |
Ingestion |
Inhalation |
Class |
D |
W |
Y |
GI Absorp |
3.0E-01 |
1.0E-02 |
3.0E-01 |
1.0E-02 |
Lungs |
1.7E-04 |
2.1E-04 |
3/5/92 |
0/17/83 |
Gonads |
7.4E-05 |
8.5E-05 |
1.7E-05 |
82/11/7 |
ST Wall |
3.5E-04 |
306E-04 |
5.9E-05 |
88/4/8 |
SI Wall |
4.1E-04 |
4.8E-04 |
6.3E-05 |
4.8E-05 |
93/4/3 |
66/29/5 |
ULI Wall |
5.2E-04 |
6.3E-04 |
8.1E-05 |
6.3E-05 |
93/3/2 |
66/29/5 |
LLI Wall |
2.1E-04 |
2.5E-04 |
3.6E-05 |
91/6/3 |
C.E.D.E. |
1.1E-04 |
1.2E-04 |
3.8E-05 |
3.2E-05 |
91Sr |
Ingestion |
Inhalation |
Class |
D |
W |
Y |
GI Absorp |
3.0E-01 |
1.0E-02 |
3.0E-01 |
1.0E-02 |
Lungs |
3.4E-03 |
7.8E-03 |
2/3/95 |
0/7/93 |
Gonads |
7.8E-04 |
9.3E-04 |
2.4E-04 |
71/12/17 |
R Marrow |
4.4E-04 |
45/16/39 |
ST Wall |
3.2E-03 |
3.1E-03 |
SI Wall |
5.2E-03 |
6.7E-03 |
8.9E-04 |
90/5/5 |
ULI Wall |
1.4E-02 |
1.8E-02 |
2.2E-03 |
4.1E-03 |
95/3/2 |
67/24/9 |
LLI Wall |
1.4E-02 |
1.9E-02 |
2.3E-03 |
4.4E-03 |
95/3/2 |
67/23/10 |
C.E.D.E. |
2.4E-03 |
3.0E-03 |
8.4E-04 |
1.4E-03 |
89Sr |
Ingestion |
Inhalation |
Class |
D |
W |
Y |
GI Absorp |
3.0E-01 |
1.0E-02 |
3.0E-01 |
1.0E-02 |
Lungs |
8.1E-03 |
3.1E-01 |
7/4/89 |
0/0/100 |
Gonads |
1.6E-03 |
38/15/47 |
R Marrow |
1.2E-02 |
2.1E-02 |
38/15/47 |
Bone Surf |
1.8E-02 |
3.1E-02 |
38/15/47 |
ULI Wall |
2.7E-02 |
3.7E-02 |
5.5E-03 |
81/6/13 |
LLI Wall |
7.8E-02 |
1.1E-01 |
1.3E-02 |
90/4/6 |
C.E.D.E. |
8.2E-03 |
8.7E-03 |
5.9E-3 |
3.7E-02 |
92Sr |
Ingestion |
Inhalation |
Class |
D |
W |
Y |
GI Absorp |
3.0E-01 |
1.0E-02 |
3.0E-01 |
1.0E-02 |
Lungs |
2.6E-03 |
4.1E-03 |
2/2/96 |
0/12/88 |
Gonads |
3.0E-04 |
ST Wall |
2.0E-03 |
1.9E-03 |
SI Wall |
4.1E-03 |
5.2E-03 |
7.0E-04 |
1.0E-03 |
93/4/3 |
68/26/6 |
ULI Wall |
1.1E-02 |
1.4E-02 |
1.7E-03 |
2.3E-03 |
97/2/1 |
67/27/6 |
LLI Wall |
7.8E-03 |
1.0E-02 |
1.2E-03 |
1.4E-03 |
96/3/1 |
67/28/5 |
C.E.D.E. |
1.6E-03 |
1.9E-03 |
5.4E-04 |
7.7E-04 |
90Sr |
Ingestion |
Inhalation |
Class |
D |
W |
Y |
GI Absorp |
3.0E-01 |
1.0E-02 |
3.0E-01 |
1.0E-02 |
Lungs |
1.1E+01* |
0/0/100 |
R Marrow |
7.0E-01 |
2.4E-02* |
1.2E+00* |
37/15/48 |
Bone Surf |
1.6E+00* |
5.2E-02* |
2.7E+00* |
37/15/48 |
ULI Wall |
2.3E-02 |
LLI Wall |
9.6E-02 |
C.E.D.E. |
1.3E-01* |
1.2E-02* |
2.3E-01* |
1.3E+00* |